Sunday, February 20, 2011

Leftovers Remade-Tonight's Dinner :)

About me: I have a culinary arts degree. I cook a real meal about 1-2 times a week-I'm too busy or too lazy most of the time. I am also a "bigger" gal-I'd love to study and teach nutrition but I obviously have to find the self control to fix myself first :P

Tonight I was starving after church and decided to cook up a real dinner. (I ate the last of the cold cereal for dinner last night anyway, so that wasn't an option.) Here's what I came up with:

Chicken Zuchini Boats served over Pine Nut Couscous

The Zucchini Boats: I took a zucchini, cut off the tops and botoms, and cut in half the long way. I then scooped out the inside (seeds/meat) of the zucchini and chopped it up. I started frying the zucchini halves while I mixed together the filling.

The Filling: I had cooked up some chicken in the crock pot, shredded it, and mixed it with some italian dressing yesterday. I took some of this chicken and put it in the frying pan with the zucchini and zucchini innards to get it warmed up. Warming the oven to 400 degrees F, I then placed the partially cooked zucchini boats in and tossed the chicken filling into the boats. Cover with grated cheese (because everything is better with cheddar), and tossed in the oven while I prepare the couscous.

The Couscous: Couscous is very easy and extremely tasty. It can be found near the pastas or grains. It's like rice but smaller and is actually a pasta. I usually go the lazy route and get the kind that has a seasoning packet. Just bring water to bowl in the frying pan you just started the boats and filling in (deglazes to add extra flavor) and add the couscous to the boiling water. Gently mix in, turn off the heat and cover with a lid. In 5 minutes, the water will be absorbed and you just lightly fluff it with a fork.

Presentation: Scoop up some of the tasty couscous and place the zucchini boat(s) on top. Eat with a fork and knife.

Flavor 5 out of 10
-not the best combo. There was plenty of flavor but maybe too much competing flavors. Has potential, but I don't plan to make this the same way again.

Appearance 7 out of 10
-got some different colors, fun presentation.

Cost 9 out of 10
-any time you can use leftovers is great. Zucchini is also cheap.

Time/Ease 10 out of 10
-took maybe 10-15 minutes, super quick!

Clean up 9 out of 10
-Used an oven bread pan, frying pan, measuring cup (clean-only for water), fork, spoon, knife, and plate.

Healthiness 9 out of 10
-better than a cheeseburger, that's for sure!

49 out of 60 pts.

82% recommended.

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