Thursday, July 14, 2016

Mystery Box Craft Challenge Voting!

I had fun collaborating with 5 lovely ladies on a craft challenge.  Let's go over the rules, prizes, and outcomes!  Please make sure to vote in the comments section down below!  1 comment/entry per person/household.

The rules:
-Each person received 1 small box of random craft supplies.  No 2 boxes are alike.
-They have to use at least half of the supplies to make art/crafts.
-They can include any other items and supplies to make their creations.
-Multiple creations are allowed, as long as at least half of their mystery box is used.
-Each person is to take photos and video of their creation(s) and the process.
-Voting ends 11:59pm MST 7/29.

The prizes:
1-$10 Gift Card
2-Handmade Purse filled with Goodies

1 winner will be picked by votes received here (so make sure to vote!) and 1 will be picked by my husband and I :)  The winner who gets the most votes here gets first choice of the prizes.

Here are the entrants with their videos.

Cookie Tux

Stouts on the Side

Natasha & Cory Tell a Story

2 more entries pending.... 

And as always, I appreciate your support on my vlog channel, I'll be having a craft and cooking channel coming out soon as well!