Tuesday, December 15, 2015

More Product Review Goodies :)

I just wanted to share a couple of goodies that I got for free to review :)

These chalk markers are super cute for craft projects and decoration.  I have some craft projects in mind, but for now I plan to use them for decorating mirrors & windows for the holidays :)  They have reversible tips so you can change the style of your writing too!  #ZAMart

Check them out HERE.

Next up is a new Essential Oil!

I shared with you Lemon and Peppermint oils from this company, and I was excited when they sent me a Tea Tree Oil to review as well!  Tea Tree Oil comes from the melaleuca alternifolia plant's leaves.  Whereas the Peppermint and Lemon essential oils can be used orally in small doses, Tea Tree Oil is actually poisonous if ingested.  That being said, it has a lot of great properties topically-it's known to help with fungal & bacterial problems-use it for acne, lice, athlete's foot, and a ton of other uses.  I'm curious to try it and have it in the medicine closet for future use! 

It has a pretty unique scent but I like it.  The company I got these from-Simply Earth-also donates a percentage of each sale for a good cause so I recommend them :)  #simplyearth

Check it out HERE.

I received a sample of each item above to review for free but I was not compensated and I genuinely recommend these guys if you're in the market :)

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