Monday, April 8, 2013

Acts That Make You Smile :D

My hubby and I decided this Easter to make a donation to a local women's transitional house-women looking to get back on their feet.  I combined my couponing goodies and handmade jewelery in dozens of plastic eggs.  It felt good to clear some space on the shelves and to do some good!

Another act that made me smile is one that someone else did for me today.  We were shopping at Walgreens and my favorite cashier called out my name and ran up to me and gave me a coupon I had accidentally left at her register a week ago.  How random and sweet is that?  It was only $1, but every penny helps, and thought was worth much more than that :)  

Here's the haul we got at Walgreens.  With points, coupons, and codes for a movie voucher, 8 boxes of cereal and 4 boxes of pizzas cost about $9 :)  


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