Sunday, July 15, 2018

ASMR for Anxiety, Depression?

This is a topic I've been fairly open about in my life on YouTube, but I don't think I've ever shared it here.  I've struggled with anxiety and depression for years, when I look back, for a good portion of my life.

About a year and a half ago, I started having trouble sleeping because of some increased stress in my life.  I turned to a white noise app and ASMR videos on YouTube to help me sleep.  Most nights I still use them.  After some encouragement from a friend, I started my own ASMR channel 5 months ago.  Some videos are whisper themed, or soft-spoken.  Some are no talking at all, but nature sounds like rain, crinkles, tapping, etc.

I'll be having a video up tomorrow featuring these cute little squishies
that I got free or discounted from a company to share.  I've set on a schedule to post every Monday (I mean, that's the most stressful day for many of us right?) so feel free to check it out and let me know what you think, is it helpful for you?!

Check out my ASMR channel HERE.

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