Tuesday, October 13, 2009

New Goodies everywhere!

I am proud to announce a little new section in my jollyjennifer shop called "upgrades/certificates" where you can purchase Niobium and Sterling Silver upgrades for those with allergies like myself and chains for the pendants that don't include them! I'm also offering gift certificates because I know it can be hard to pick for someone that's picky to buy for-so might as well just give them a gift certificate!!!

Other news-

*I will be starting a giveaway sometime this week so check back often!
*I will be starting "Feature Fridays". Now that we have nearly 100 followers (thanks to you all!) I feel confident about adding that part to the structure of my blog. I wish I had the Wednesday giveaways and Tuesday Tutorials, etc. but I'm just plain too busy and scatterbrained to hold up to that rigid of a schedule every week! But I would like to extend the opportunity to you to have your shop featured with a product review. At the moment I am taking free samples, or if the item is particularly expensive or heavy I might consider helping pay shipping, etc. I will take it on a case by case basis. I will also feature all shops that contribute to the Crafting4Causes shop. So if you would like to have your shop featured drop me a line at one of my shops or via my e-mail at feelin_gr_8@yahoo.com. I will still include fun tips, pictures and projects, and of course individual product reviews of things I just plain like. I never charge anyone for mention on my blog-just sharing great things!

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