Saturday, June 11, 2016

3 Week Food Storage Diet!!! Follow Us!

My husband and I are moving in 3 weeks.  We have a lot of food storage, and not much money in the bank.  We decided to challenge ourselves.  Can we live off of food storage ONLY for 3 weeks?!?

The rules:
-NO Grocery Shopping, NO Eating Out! 

-NO stocking up ahead of time (it was tempting, but luckily we decided to start on a bit of a whim so we just started with whatever is in our pantry/food storage/fridge/freezer.

-Tap water is OK.  Ideally, you should have LOTS of water in your food storage for emergencies.  We'd survive for about a week because we don't have much. 

-Free food is OK.  If you show up to my house with a plate of cookies 1. It's a good thing I'm moving 'cause that's creepy lol and 2. assuming they're safe, I'm not going to turn them down.  Similarly, my husband gets free lunch at work for 2 of these 3 weeks.  We're not going to turn it down-helps on the budget, cooking, and I don't want to put him through that awkwardness while at a new job lol.

We're going to update on this blog daily what things are looking like so make sure to follow us!  We'll also be talking about how things are going on our YouTube channel, make sure to subscribe and follow us THERE

My thoughts when starting this:
-Oh boy, lots of actual cooking in our future
-Must ration the cheese and eggs!
-Make sure to eat all produce before it goes bad, cause there won't be any fresh replacement soon
-Must find recipes for ingredients we have
-We'll finally discover the hidden gems in our messy freezers!
-Good thing we're well stocked up
-I'll probably have to look up substitutions for things....when the eggs run out, I hear hydrated chia seeds are used by vegans when baking....
-It will be nice to not have to lug over so much food storage

Day 1 (Friday 6/10/16)
Things are easy in the beginning.  We still have fresh milk and cheese etc.  Just the thought of not being able to go buy anything, being restricted, gives me that sad feeling that I've felt for the majority of my life because of dieting.....  My husband confessed he really wanted a hamburger and was sad that we wouldn't be able to do a fast food run.  I think we're going to lose weight in these 3 weeks lol.

For breakfast, we had fruit/dessert sushi.  I had the supplies already as I got the sushi press free or discounted (don't remember right now...) to do a product review for it.  I filmed a video of making the tasty sushi, it'll be up early next week on our channel ;) 

For lunch, my husband had free lunch at work and I didn't really eat lunch.  My "breakfast" was more of a brunch.  After he came home from work, we honestly didn't eat a dinner.  Just some munching on pretzels, string cheese, etc that we already have at the house.  I enjoyed a klondike that has been in the freezer for a while.  I plan to inventory and organize our freezers this weekend.  They hold the key to the more flavorful and exciting things....meat, fruit.  That will balance out a heck of a lot of rice & beans ;)  When our bread stash is gone (we have a few loaves in the freezer-we love having a good supply from our Dollar Tree that sells expensive bread close to expiration!) I'll have to bake bread.  Last time I tried that it had dismal results as the yeast is very expired.  Anyone know a non-dessert-like quick bread?  Hmmm......

So what do you think, could you survive only on the food you have at your home for 3 weeks?  Want to try and join us in the challenge?

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