Monday, June 13, 2016

3 Week Food Storage Challenge---Days 2 & 3---

Day 2-Saturday

No big deal today.  We like toast and english muffins for breakfast.  We usually stock up when we visit the local Dollar Tree because they sell the nice $2-$4 bread for only $1 because it's close to expiration and we freeze it.  We also ate some leftover chili and steamed broccoli.  And then snacking here and there on string cheese, crackers, pretzels.

Day 3-Sunday

We actually didn't have breakfast or lunch today because we were fasting for religious and personal purposes.  That consists of going without food and water for 2 meals/24 hours (including prayer).  Once we ended our fast, we broke out some canned tuna and mayo, some fresh celery, and crackers.  For snacks, we busted out some apple juice from food storage, and some pudding.

In preparation for next week's menu, I have the last of our ground beef thawed and that will make some chili with canned beans and tomatoes that we have.  I took out a huge turkey from our stand-up freezer and put it in the fridge to thaw.  We got it free for spending so much on groceries last Thanksgiving but didn't use it since it's just the 2 of us.  I've got some fun ideas for all of that meat, that should last us a while!  I will confess though, I didn't realize we have so many frozen tomato slices in the freezer.  That would be nice if I liked those tomatoes...... We had tons of plants last year and it was our first time so we hadn't tasted them before.  These are sickeningly sweet.  They work well in my chili, but using them in spaghetti sauce is gross because you have to work so hard to cover the sweetness.  Let me know if you have any ideas!  I have lots of pasta and rice in food storage....but I have to make it palatable! 

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