Friday, July 24, 2009

Favorite Picks for July 24th and progress for Crafting4Causes

Here are my pics to feature today:
This is just one of her adorable and very affordable origami cards. I've never done origami myself, but I love the look of it!

And here is my feature from my own shop:
I made these just after the 4th of July, but they're perfect year round to send to a soldier serving our nation! The pictures are originals by myself.

My JollyJennifer shop just had its first sale!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yay!!! Someone purchased 4 of my items! I'm pretty excited :D

Crafting4Causes: I've had 6 or 7 people contact me and they're in on helping donate things for the shop, mostly for mystery grab bags we're putting together. I'm really excited about this. And I'm happy people trust someone that has been on etsy for less than a month, I know it's hard to trust anymore these days.

Addition to this blog:
I plan to have a weekly tutorial and a monthly contest of some sort :D I think I'll do tutorials on Mondays, so the first one will be this upcoming Monday and about wire-wrapping jewelry :D

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