Sunday, January 10, 2010

~o~ Please Read Me ~U~

I apologize for being behind on my donations for Crafting4Causes. We only made less than $2.00 profit in December to go to Toys for Tots but I bumped that up to $5.00. During January (and possibly February) all proceeds will go to the American Diabetes Association. I've chosen this as just this week a very close family member of mine was diagnosed with diabetes. It runs on both sides of my family and frankly I know that more needs to be done in the education and personal responsibility realms, but help to find a cure is a great place to put donations as well! Please post a comment here if someone you know has been affected by diabetes! Please pass on the great news about Crafting4Causes to those you know!

As for my lack of posting, I've been a busy bee and it's mostly in creating. I've been positively giddy and going crazy with polymer clay. I like having different mediums that I work with, they help keep me balanced. I've been working with the clay enough that the calluses from jewelry making are gone, but I need to get back to jewelry so my carpel tunnels and sore shoulders forgive me from all the polymer clay!!! I hope to list more items in my shops soon and post some pretty pictures here :D I'm also working on creating an official facebook group and a youtube commercial, these will coincide with a giveaway here :D Lots to look forward to!!!

1 comment:

  1. My dad has type 2 diabetes. great cause that you have chosen!
