Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Festive Fun :D

So here's a fun little bunch of holiday fun I've been up to lately. I made a bunch of hair clips/magnets/pins but then I wondered what to do with all the misc leaves and wire. I decided to make this cute little wreath. It's too small for me, but it works just great on Mr. Teddy :D Now I just need to think of a useful application for the other half dozen sets of stems/wire. If you have any ideas, let me know :D

And then I got my bake on. Chocolate dipped pretzels are super easy and tasty. Then I experimented with these Rudolph cake pops.

I had more cake balls than I did sucker sticks so I rolled some in extra green candy melts and called them grinch hairballs :D Just as yummy :D

And last but not least, this wonderful gingerbread house that I made with some friends :D It was a blast! Stay tuned for great White Elephant Gifts-I'd post them now but the recipients might see ahead of time!!!

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