Saturday, November 20, 2010

My first 2 craft shows, coupon code, and donations!

Oh me, oh my, so much to do!

First of all I want to mention that I participated in my first 2 craft shows ever and they went well. Didn't become a millionaire by any means but I take them as learning experiences. Other vendors seemed bummed by how slow and few sales there were. Hopefully I'll get some pictures up soon! I was a little occupied running around and making sure everything was in order so a friend has the pictures on her camera :P

Also, I'd like to mention that now has coupon codes for those who weren't aware. I was one of the first lucky 5% to get the capability, though it seems that most of us either have it or will have it soon. To get 25% off your order at just use the coupon code "assomepossum" at checkout! No need to wait for a refund :)

Lastly, just getting caught up on donations from my shops. Some proceeds were made via trades, others sold online :) I got behind in part from the craziness of craft show preparations and in part because I lost my debit card, and had to wait for the bank to send me a new one so I could donate!!! Early New Year's resolution: get organized. stay organized. lol. Well, here are donations for the last 4 months. $32 to the American Diabetes Association and $12 to the American Red Cross. This month's proceeds go to Toys4Tots and we haven't made much yet :( You can change that! :)

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