Monday, April 25, 2011


I've recently opened a shop called CustomCreativityGal where I'm listing only custom orders showcasing the many types of arts and crafts I make and sell. In my usual JollyJennifer shop, I've been feeling it's a bit too chaotic and mis-matched. I still may continue to use JollyJennifer for pre-made items that I'm looking to sell regardless of the crazy mixture. I'm also planning on diverting some of my product line to (a username I have reserved but not yet set up as a shop) and that will be for my recycled/upcycled/eco/green items. I continue to have occasional sales at Crafting4Causes though they are fewer and farther between than I'd love. Still doing what I can to help out some great causes. Personally, this month I chopped off my hair, donating a ponytail to Locks of Love and I'm considering donating a large portion of my jewelry line to my local blood bank to give as freebies for those who donate blood. Always keeping busy, always enjoying the journey :) Please feel free to click on my shops and browse around, and I love comments!

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