Tuesday, January 22, 2013

How are your resolutions going so far?

We focused more on making manageable yearly goals than "resolutions", and things are going alright.  Have I lost a single pound?  Doubtful-but I'm attacking 1 beast at a time.  I have a hard time being happy or productive when my house is a mess...and if you ask anyone in my family, I'm the messy one.  My husband and I aren't slobs, I mean, we don't have a moldy home or cockroaches or anything like that, we just get distracted *Squirrel!*.  I'd rather be crafting and spending too much time on Pinterest or watching a good movie than scrubbing the shower. 

Speaking of Pinterest....my time sucker also became my solution.  I saw ideas about using frames as whiteboards you can write on with dry erase markers.  Here are 2 frames that we got for our wedding but never got around to filling.  The single frame has a print out of a two week rotation.  The top half is for odd weeks, the bottom half is for even weeks.  I planned each part of the house and broke it up-"bathroom" or "kitchen" can be overwhelming to me, so they are divided into smaller responsibilities "toilet", "shower", "dishes", "counter/stove/dining room table".  The 2 week rotation gives us the chance to mix up the responsibilities so we take turns with exceptions such as the budget (which I always do) and the car fluids (his deal).  We each have 2 responsibilities per day and we draw for a weekly chore (those that don't need to be done as often i.e. organize closets, clean oven, clean cars. 

I have been so happy seeing how nice and clean our house is since we implemented this!  A big bonus is being able to cross off the your chores-I'm definitely a check mark person.  The hard part: not feeling guilty about falling short, not being able to cross it off.  I made a rule, to help myself because this is not to make us feel guilty, ultimately, getting something done is better than getting nothing done!  Yesterday it was my job to clean the living room and bedroom...I didn't get to the bedroom.  If I don't get it done today, I'm not going to worry about it.  It will come up again later this week on the chart. 

I've found that we don't just stop at what's on the chart either, we do what we can when we have the time to help the other person with their chores if they're busy.  Anyway, here's 1 big goal in the works, a few more down!

With the collage frames, we put in our 2013 family goals, individual goals, food charts and other misc goals. 

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