Monday, August 17, 2015


As much as I've tried over the years, I'm having a hard time posting regular blog posts.  BUT, fun news!  My husband and I are doing DAILY VLOGS!  We've done daily videos for about 4 months now and are going to keep going :) 

This summer we're doing our first garden so there's a lot covered there, but I hope to get to more crafts once the harvest is over.  Depending on your interest, you can look at the playlists we have (let's be honest, we have lots of interests!) so we like to sort them by topic a bit depending on the focus of the video i.e. at the time I type this, we have "Gardening" "Cooking" "Challenges and Shenanigans" and "Monthly Bloopsers" playlists.  I'm sure over time, along with documenting our daily journey with infertility, hopes of being foster parents, saving to purchase our first home, etc....we'll add new playlists such as Crafts, Couponing, & Fitness just to name a few. 

Our Vlog can be found HERE.

We would LOVE new subscribers on Youtube! 

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