Monday, May 16, 2016

2 Products for the Kiddos!

I got to try a couple of different products for free in exchange for me sharing my honest and unbiased review.  I don't have children yet, but I am stocking up for when we do....and we want to be foster parents soon.

The 1st item is this pack of 36 outlet plugs.

You don't even have to have kids to appreciate this set of plug covers. I like having the safety for when we have kids over-nieces & nephews, friends' kids, etc. We're gearing up for when we have kids of our own and/or foster kids. This is just 1 more thing that gives you peace of mind and not having to helicopter over the little ones 24/7. They're well made and fit as they should. They're a tight fit so it takes a little bit of effort to get them in but that's necessary so they're not easy for little ones to pull them out!


The 2nd item is this set of food pouches.
This my first time trying out the side spout food pouches, I've tried a couple of different brands with top spouts, but I was curious about this kind. there are some definite pros and cons

What I like:
--There's a fill line, so you know you're not overfilling and playing a guessing game like with some pouches
--Zips from the top so gravity is helping the seal

What I don't like:
--The side spout does seem a bit more awkward for holding.
--With the spout being at the side, I don't feel like these are quite as easy to clean, especially in the dishwasher since it's not a straight shop from spout to zipper

I think it all depends on preference and what your little guy or gal prefers with how they eat from the pouch. Probably worth getting one side spout, one top spout, and try it out for yourself. As for the actual product, I haven't noticed any defects yet-they do the job and they're very cute and universal for both boys and girls.


Disclaimer: I was not compensated in any way, this is not a sponsored post.  Links are affiliate links, if you choose to purchase through them I receive a small bonus.

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