Saturday, August 29, 2009

Back on the Bandwagon and a great tip for those with allergies!

My picks of the day include an awesome wooden vintage shelf I found that can be seen better here:

And Here's my pick of the day from my crafting4causes shop>Little One's First Crafting Kit-it has lots of fun little crafty items for your little one to play with, and as usual-all proceeds go to charity!

As for the crafting4causes shop, I've only sold 2 items this month. I'm really hoping to get more, since it's only $3.10 to the foodbank :( The $3.10 is for 2 listings of tags I had up and they were actually traded away, so I will obviously pay the value that I would have received. Please tell your friends about the good cause and thank you to those who donated for the grab bags, I look forward to the first sale of those with great anticipation!!!

And as promised, a tip for those with allergies-to metals. I can only wear gold so my selection of jewelry is limited and expensive. But I went by a local high end jewelry shop to see if they could help me out. Pictured in the post below you will see the ear-findings I have that I use daily, I have a set in white and yellow gold. Each pair cost $60, but they're a great investment! I simply take off the original ear hooks that come with the earrings and then put on these each day depending on what I feel like. Granted, these days the sensitive earrings are becoming more reliable-there are a few I can wear without problem-but it's nice not to have any restrictions. I know these are pricey and you could probably find somewhere cheaper, but I'm not so worried about a thin gold coating rubbing off or, as some people do, a coating of clear nailpolish coming off.


  1. Very good tip with the cost of gold this should help people with allergies save money.

  2. Good tip on the alergies.

    Best wishes with your shop!
