Friday, August 28, 2009

Sorry for being MIA recently!

Sorry I haven't been around, things have been pretty crazy lately. We had an elecrical fire with one of our water heaters so that was a bit crazy but luckily nothing got damaged except for the water heater itself. Also luckily, my dad has a friend that is an electrician so he's been kind enough to render his services all day today.

As for picks I'll hopefully start again tomorrow if I have time. In addition to a bunch of items I'm listing, my neighbor makes hand-felted wool bags so I'll be listing those for her :D More variety in my shop! That's why my avatar says "you want it, I got it" is because I offer such a variety of items!

I'm also really hoping to get more people to sign up for my first giveaway, I was hoping for more entries by now :( Please go to: Everyone that currently follows this blog will get an entry IF they post on the thread that they are followers, and there are other easy ways to get entries.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry about your water heater! Good thing your Dad has a connection!

    I am a follower so please enter me in your giveaway.

    I am offering a giveaway. Each Wednesday there is a new one starting. I have a lot of shops lined up to give their items.

    Please come by and enter

    Have a great weekend!
