Friday, August 21, 2009

2 steps forward, 1 step back

Doesn't your day ever feel like that? It's kinda like how you have to mess up a room more to organize it. I'm currently living at my parent's place right now to save on bills and work toward paying off student loan debt. They got tired of me monopolizing the kitchen table with all my supplies that they brought in 2 nice tables for me :D More space, then again, now I'm banned from crafting at the kitchen table, lol. But they're being so supportive and rarely ask "So have you sold anything?"....I've only had 1 order where actual money has come in so far, the rest are all trades, which is nice too. Anyway, I won't have time to put up picks of the day today as I need to get ready for my day job (even though I'm working 3pm-11pm :P) I have a friend leaving next week to serve a mission for our church in Russia for a year and a half so I'm trying to get in lots of girl time/game nights etc with her. I'm trying to get as much done as possible though before school starts up again as I will have my regular job as well as be a classified substitute for the local school district. Anyway, that's my blurb for today...sorry if it's too much about me, and not pretty pictures :P I wish you all a great day and am crossing my fingers for sales to pick up for us all!

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