Sunday, January 31, 2010

Do you hear that buzzing? It's from a busy bee!

It's past 1 in the morning and I have a busy day tomorrow, but I thought I'd pop in and remind everyone to sign up for my giveaway-listed below-it ends soon! As for my shop progress, this week has been a crazy one moving all my supplies into a different (and smaller) studio. But it should bring some peace as my stuff was taking over the house! I haven't made a ton lately, but I posted a ton of new stuff in my etsy shop yesterday. Today I made a bunch of cute polymer things that I'll bake off tomorrow :D Anyway, have a great day/night and hope to see you around here soon again!

Friday, January 29, 2010

A reminder to come join my giveaway!!!

Here's just a little reminder to come join my giveaway (the post just below this). Thanks so much for all of the views and entries so far :D

Sunday, January 24, 2010


After plenty of work, I'm now unveiling 3 things at one time! Firstly, I now have a Facebook fan page. I don't plan to be too spammy, just let people know about sales and promos and occasionally other info and pictures :D Secondly, I just made this promo video that can be seen on YouTube! Thirdly-I'm doing a giveaway associated with it all! FACEBOOK PAGE: YOUTUBE VIDEO:

Prizes-There will be 2 prizes drawn (No limit on prizes per person). First prize is one of my ACEO's from my shop or the one shown in the video demo. Second prize is one of the veggie clay magnets from the demo.

How To Enter:
-Watch the Youtube video and leave a comment here about it. *mandatory =1 entry
Extra Tickets>>>
-Become a NEW follower of this blog and leave a comment that you have done so =1 entry
-Become a fan of my Facebook page(leave comment here)=1 entry
-Blog about the video/giveaway and leave link of proof =1 entry
-Tweet about video/giveaway and leave link of proof =1 entry

Make sure to include a personal contact i.e. e-mail or etsy seller name. Raffle/giveaway ends February 1, 2010. *Prizes are likely going to be upgraded to bigger and better prizes depending on participation. These are the minimum.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

~o~ Please Read Me ~U~

I apologize for being behind on my donations for Crafting4Causes. We only made less than $2.00 profit in December to go to Toys for Tots but I bumped that up to $5.00. During January (and possibly February) all proceeds will go to the American Diabetes Association. I've chosen this as just this week a very close family member of mine was diagnosed with diabetes. It runs on both sides of my family and frankly I know that more needs to be done in the education and personal responsibility realms, but help to find a cure is a great place to put donations as well! Please post a comment here if someone you know has been affected by diabetes! Please pass on the great news about Crafting4Causes to those you know!

As for my lack of posting, I've been a busy bee and it's mostly in creating. I've been positively giddy and going crazy with polymer clay. I like having different mediums that I work with, they help keep me balanced. I've been working with the clay enough that the calluses from jewelry making are gone, but I need to get back to jewelry so my carpel tunnels and sore shoulders forgive me from all the polymer clay!!! I hope to list more items in my shops soon and post some pretty pictures here :D I'm also working on creating an official facebook group and a youtube commercial, these will coincide with a giveaway here :D Lots to look forward to!!!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Friday Feature/Welcome 2010 with a Sale :D

Happy New Year everyone! I hope you all had a good and safe celebration. I've decided to celebrate the New Year with a sale :D 10% off all items in my shops for the first 10 days of 2010! Make sure to mention this promo in the notes :D Here are my shops: and

As for my Crafting4Causes shop the sales haven't done too well, I'm currently updating the listings. We didn't make much for December's charity, but hopefully this month will be better! I'll let you know details shortly. Speaking of Crafting4Causes, today's Friday Feature is one of the contributors to the shop:


CutesyGlamDesigns is an addicted crafter that loves to scrapbook. Currently in her shop you will find chipboard (hand painted) buttons similar to the ones she donated to the Crafting4Causes shop. I originally had her embellishments in the mystery grab bags in my shop. As none of those sold (I guess people just don't like surprises), I've decided to deconstruct them and sell all the items separately. But now you can see the cuteness that was hiding inside an ugly paper bag. Go ahead and snatch them up :D More information can be found about Cutesty Glam Designs by following her blog: