Thursday, February 18, 2010

Success :)

I'm very very sorry for taking so long to draw a winner for the Valentine Showcase Giveaway. The winner was Alli! I've already sent an e-mail your way with details for the free $15. Congrats :) And stay tuned to this blog as a couple of featured individuals have expressed interest in donating items to future giveaways :) I feel like this was a success and all the effort was worthwhile :) I really need to stop with the sideways smiley faces...I guess I'm kinda addicted.

Hope you all had a great Valentine's. Mine was pretty average. My nieces and nephews and puppy dogs were all my Valentines <3. I've been slowing down lately on my production with Etsy items lately. Partially from discouragement that I'm not getting steady sales, but also because I've just been so darn busy! As spring has been trying to poke its head out here early this year I've been more motivated to spend time outside, with friends, and getting in shape. But don't count me out, I've still got some great items to come :)


  1. yay, thanks so much!!
    I actually haven't gotten the email yet, so maybe there was a problem in sending it? My email again is northssclub at yahoo dot com

  2. Yep, glad I double checked my spam box for the rejected status :-/
