Thursday, July 5, 2012

Savings Tip-Know when your local stores re-stock

My area has a lot of couponers and great deals get cleared off of shelves quickly.  I'm starting to get to know the re-stock dates of different stores in the area.  For example, Walgreens had a sweet deal on FREE shampoo and conditioner.  Buy 2 Suave Naturals shampoos/conditioners ($1 each) and get a $2 register reward back-essentially free!  The deal ran the last couple of weeks.  The first week they just didn't have many shampoos but we got plenty of conditioners for our stash.  They never restocked until mid-way through the 2nd week of sale, just with a few days left before the sale is over.  We were glad to get a few of these goodies for ourselves and donations :)  Another tip-call before shopping.  I've gotten tired of going to a store for a great deal just to find they're out.  I called ahead this time!

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