Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Calling artists, doodlers, etc!

I've been a busy bee over the last month.  Between work, couponing, and crafting-I haven't had a minute to spare it seems.  This blog got taken over a bit by couponing but I want to make sure I share some of my crafty stuff too :)  Here are some of the stamps that I carved for someone.  She is making things such as towels I think with the designs stamped on them with the larger stamps.  If she lists them online I'll try to get a link up here of what the finished projects end up being :) 

Are you an artist or know one?  Or just like to doodle?  What do you think of my rubber stamp carving skills?  Here's just a small sampling of what I do!  If you are interested, take a look at my shop and contact me.  Prices are likely to go up soon as my main supplier no longer carries some of my supplies so I have to go elsewhere with higher prices and I've realized I undercharge for my time-these stamp take a while to make!

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