Monday, September 14, 2009

1 for the money, 2 for the show, buckle up 'cause here we go!!!!!!!!!

We're back in business!

I've attached some pictures of my newly organized crafting tables. Including the smaller new light box awaiting a permenent second lamp and attaching the fabric as well. I've got lots to list next to it and everything else lined up :D I've even unpacked my new scale from the post office, though I haven't tried it out yet. I usually do my items at the kitchen table that my work tables are next to or at the couch pictured :D My cute little puppy Pepper is staring at you above :D I also do a small amount of items during slow times at my work (i.e. punch out paper tags, cut paper for matchbook notebooks).

Anyway, I even got 3 orders finished and packaged to mail tomorrow. I don't usually work on Sundays-a policy of mine for religious reasons but I kinda fudged it today. I couldn't stand the chaos and disorganization. So tomorrow will be nice-I only work 2 hours at my school district job and then I will work on some of these custom orders/trades awaiting my attention then start the daunting task of listing new items and re-taking pictures and re-calculating shipping now that I have my new scale and have a better handle on this all.

I'm excited to be a bit more organized and have a handle on things. Soon I'll get back to daily picks and I have a couple of tutorials in the works. ;) I am still deciding a sort of contest or giveaway for this month-for the crafting4causes shop and since it's my 25th birthday on the 26th!!! But I don't know what to do!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, being organized saves so much time!

    COngrats on getting organized :-)
