Monday, September 24, 2012

*Sniff* My sweetheart off to school! And how we got books for free!

I'm sappy, I can own up to that.  My sweetheart went to college today for his first time full time.  I'm gonna fall to pieces when we have kids and I have to take them to school the first time!!!  Anywho...because of the program he's going into, it looks like the department is supplying books internally except for 1 class so we only had to get 1 book :)  Instead of using grants/loans/pocket cash to get the book, we turned to our swagbucks stockpile (as rent can't be paid in swagbucks...) 

In January or February this year, we joined swagbucks and earn points various ways (surveys, free trials, etc) but mostly just by searching the internet through their toolbar.  I want to get to my blog?  I search it.  I want to get to my email or facebook?  I search them, and randomly get awarded points.  There are a lot of prizes, but for every 450 points, you can get a $5 gift card to  We cashed in a few of these and didn't even have to pay shipping out of pocket for his school book!  A great way to really get things for free!  If you're interested in joining swagbucks, just go here :) 

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