Monday, September 3, 2012

Free Hair Gel, Let the Kids Play With It!!!

I spied on one of my favorite coupon blogs a sweet deal and ran to get it.  I thought it said it was good only through today but a different blog said it runs through tomorrow which I bet it does.  At Rite Aid, they have La Bella hair gel on sale for $2.99.  You will then have a $2 +Up reward print out (advertised-weekly reward) and another $1 +Up print out (unadvertised-monthly reward).  No coupons needed!  Remember though, Rite Aid changed to electronic +Ups unless you ask the cashier to opt you out before you make any purchases, I did it first thing!  

Then the question comes up...what if you don't use hair gel?  Well I have a fun and craft idea :D  Supplies are shown below!  Take some ziplocs (got them on a fair deal a couple weeks back at Albertson's) and scoop some of the blue hair gel into them.  This simulates water, especially with the bubbles in the gel.  Then I took some scrap foam sheets-literally just pennies at a local craft store-and cut out fish shapes.  Put the fish in with the gel, zip up the ziploc, and perhaps tape the top for security against messy leaks, and you've got a fun hands-on aquarium for kids!  Any other ideas for hair gel?  Let me know in the comments!

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