Monday, August 31, 2009

Yay! A new blog :P

Here are my picks of the day :D

On the left you'll see one of the new line of hand felted bags I'm offering. They are all hand felted by my neighbor and she asked me to list them for her. All One Of A Kind (OOAK) and high quality! I call this one the Mary Poppins purse because it can fit so much! Great as a diaper bag, craft bag, or just every day bag! It can be found here: http://

On the right is a cute felt owl. I love the creative things people can do with felt-the foods and animals are so cute! This little critter resides here: http://

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Back on the Bandwagon and a great tip for those with allergies!

My picks of the day include an awesome wooden vintage shelf I found that can be seen better here:

And Here's my pick of the day from my crafting4causes shop>Little One's First Crafting Kit-it has lots of fun little crafty items for your little one to play with, and as usual-all proceeds go to charity!

As for the crafting4causes shop, I've only sold 2 items this month. I'm really hoping to get more, since it's only $3.10 to the foodbank :( The $3.10 is for 2 listings of tags I had up and they were actually traded away, so I will obviously pay the value that I would have received. Please tell your friends about the good cause and thank you to those who donated for the grab bags, I look forward to the first sale of those with great anticipation!!!

And as promised, a tip for those with allergies-to metals. I can only wear gold so my selection of jewelry is limited and expensive. But I went by a local high end jewelry shop to see if they could help me out. Pictured in the post below you will see the ear-findings I have that I use daily, I have a set in white and yellow gold. Each pair cost $60, but they're a great investment! I simply take off the original ear hooks that come with the earrings and then put on these each day depending on what I feel like. Granted, these days the sensitive earrings are becoming more reliable-there are a few I can wear without problem-but it's nice not to have any restrictions. I know these are pricey and you could probably find somewhere cheaper, but I'm not so worried about a thin gold coating rubbing off or, as some people do, a coating of clear nailpolish coming off.

Back on the Bandwagon-and a great tip for those with allergies!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Sorry for being MIA recently!

Sorry I haven't been around, things have been pretty crazy lately. We had an elecrical fire with one of our water heaters so that was a bit crazy but luckily nothing got damaged except for the water heater itself. Also luckily, my dad has a friend that is an electrician so he's been kind enough to render his services all day today.

As for picks I'll hopefully start again tomorrow if I have time. In addition to a bunch of items I'm listing, my neighbor makes hand-felted wool bags so I'll be listing those for her :D More variety in my shop! That's why my avatar says "you want it, I got it" is because I offer such a variety of items!

I'm also really hoping to get more people to sign up for my first giveaway, I was hoping for more entries by now :( Please go to: Everyone that currently follows this blog will get an entry IF they post on the thread that they are followers, and there are other easy ways to get entries.

Sunday, August 23, 2009


I've finally listed grab bags in my non-profit shop thanks to these kind contributors:

I have a giveaway associated with this blog and that shop on the forums, please go enter!


Life just doesn't slow down anymore! Here's a couple day's worth of features. While contemplating what I can get for my impossible to shop for mother for Christmas (as I've decided to have a 100% made by me or bought on etsy Christmas) I decided to stroll through some art. There are some amazing artists out there! There are some pieces that are so pleasing to the eye that it makes you want to smile and cry at the same time. At least that was my experience lately. You can see from my recent favorites that I went crazy, and am having a hard time deciding what I want to buy (and having the self-control to not buy it all when I don't have the money nor my own house to use them all in, lol)

Anyway, so about the features of the day: On the left we have a watercolor titled "A Little Lovely" by Lauren Alexander. She has so many bright pieces that I love so much! Anything from her shop would make me a happy camper. This particular print can be found here:

Also on the left is a painting done by, "Northcitystudio", a fellow Washingtonian that I saw promoting in the forums a little while back. Her painting is entitled "Summer Ferns" and is painted with oil on canvas. It has such a calm, mysterious quality to it. Her original painting can be seen here:

And as for items from my shop, I've been a busy bee. I've listed more tags-these in particular are a fun mix punched from previous greeting cards I've collected over the years (you know how I love upcycling!) They are going for an ubber great price and can be found in both my jollyjennifer and crafting4causes shops:

And lastly, on the right is just 1 example of my new "Upcycled Beauty" line of keychains and jewelry made from a black Dell computer keyboard. I've been having lots of fun with this. Check out my shops and see the different ones I have listed in them both! The one pictured can be found here:

Friday, August 21, 2009

2 steps forward, 1 step back

Doesn't your day ever feel like that? It's kinda like how you have to mess up a room more to organize it. I'm currently living at my parent's place right now to save on bills and work toward paying off student loan debt. They got tired of me monopolizing the kitchen table with all my supplies that they brought in 2 nice tables for me :D More space, then again, now I'm banned from crafting at the kitchen table, lol. But they're being so supportive and rarely ask "So have you sold anything?"....I've only had 1 order where actual money has come in so far, the rest are all trades, which is nice too. Anyway, I won't have time to put up picks of the day today as I need to get ready for my day job (even though I'm working 3pm-11pm :P) I have a friend leaving next week to serve a mission for our church in Russia for a year and a half so I'm trying to get in lots of girl time/game nights etc with her. I'm trying to get as much done as possible though before school starts up again as I will have my regular job as well as be a classified substitute for the local school district. Anyway, that's my blurb for today...sorry if it's too much about me, and not pretty pictures :P I wish you all a great day and am crossing my fingers for sales to pick up for us all!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Quick Picks of the Day 8-19

Just posting before I head out to my day job today (I love working the swing shift because there's more time to do things like punch paper tags when no one is around). My picks to feature today are as follows:

On the left is my Pearl and Silver Ring. It's a faux pearl and permanently colored copper wire. I've received 2 requests this week for trades making this item in custom sizes so I'm glad to see it's well liked :D You can take a gander at it here:

On the right are some beautiful Garden Party earrings. I know, I know-I feature lots of jewelry. What can I say? It's pretty :D You can find this particular set of earrings here:

8-18 Picks

I've been spending so much time on a project lately that I haven't been able to post much else in my shop...I sure hope it sells with all the work I've put in!!! Anyway, the features today are as follows:

On the left is my beaded wire-wrapped heart keychain/pendant. I can easily convert this into a pendant but it is currently made into a keychain. I was practicing my wire wrapping, thinking of doing something similar as part of a bridal haircomb. It us up for grabs at a great price and can be found here:

On the right is a cute colorful shrimp sushi necklace. I like sushi as much as the next girl I suppose, not that I eat it that much, but I think it's so cute :D Check out this necklace in more detail here:

Monday, August 17, 2009


I want to do a giveaway now that I have 50 followers, but I need to know what kind of things you would like for prizes! Please let me know! You can look in both my and to see my work.

Also, life has been so crazy-I'm just going to post today's pick :D On the left I have some cute tags that I spent lots of time making-if they don't get purchased before halloween, I'll use them myself :P They can be found here:

On the right is a pair of upcycled earrings- "It Was a Good Slushy". I like upcycling and actually have tons of straws around me right now for a project I'm working on. They have other great upcycled items as well, but this pair can be found here:

Friday, August 14, 2009

A bit about me and the daily picks!

So a little info about me-I love jewelry, as you can see, I have lots in my shop and I tend to feature a lot. But I'm a pretty simple girl and really don't wear that much jewelry (that has part to do with my day job dress code and part to do with my allergies to metals). Lately I've gotten into a bit of a stationary phase though with my projects, as can be seen by the latest postings in my shop.

Anyway, on to the daily picks for August 13th and 14th. I've decided to post the pictures in a separate post on their own so they're not all jumbled up with text.

On the left you'll see a 14KT gold wrapped LOVE ring. It's so elegant looking. If it were my size (and if I had a love in my life, lol) I'd be all over that! It's going for a great price as well! It can be seen and purchased here:

You will also see a Black and White Notebook, pocket size. As well as having a love for jewelry, I love creative upcycle concepts! Also a great price, you can see it here:

On the right for items from my store you will find a set of mini Halloween cards. I spend way too much on stamps to never use them, lol. I went a little crazy at the store with the adorable stamps (and on paper...) so I definitely needed to create these! As with most of my items, if they never sell, I won't shed a tear, I'll use them myself!!! You can find them here:

And along with the paper theme, I have a new line of cardstock product/gift tags. I have been posting listings made from 70% recycled "Green Stack" cardstock. They are vibrant and I allow the option of free stamping on the back. For more information, check out one of the listings here:

Picks Pics for Aug 13 & 14

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Ok, it's really hard picking my favorites for August 11th and 12th, but I narrowed it down to these>

On the left are my items, a Black Headband-One of a Kind with a Black and White Pearl Embellishment. It's soooo cute! I made a custom bracelet for my friend and she picked out these black pearls. I have several left over after making her bracelet so I went ahead and used some on a few different items. It can be found here:

Also on the left, I have a Black and White Pearl Floating Necklace. Utilizing the same pearls, and adding to my black and white line (go to my shop to see a matching set of earrings :) I made this cute necklace. It's my first time making a floating necklace and it turned out quite well. It can be seen here:

On the right I am featuring 2 sellers with great shops and both are trade friendly! (as am I ;) You know when you are going through their shop and favoriting each and every item, that you should just favorite the whole shop!

So the first item featured is an Orange Spiro Multi-Use Zippered Pouch. I'm trying to decide if I should buy's so cute! They use so many bright and beautiful fabrics in this shop that I just want to buy them all! But this particular pouch can be found here: (and at a great price!)

The second item on the right is for a Soap of the Month-12 month subscription for you or someone else-what a CUTE idea! And when the soaps are all so luxurious and tasty looking (had to wipe a little drool away...), it's a great idea! I just wish my family wasn't so allergic to everything :( I'm not even allowed to wear perfume in the house I'm living in right now :( But I highly recommend these tasty looking soaps that can be found here:

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

August 9 & 10 Picks

Here are a couple picks for today and yesterday. On the left I have some beautiful teal metal earrings that I discovered in the etsy chat rooms. They can be found at a great price here:
Also, to the left I have a picture of a button dripping with sarcasm, that's my kinda style :P It can be yours for just $1.00 + shipping!

As for my personal picks from my store, I just uploaded about a dozen items but I've picked these 2 on the right:
These wire wrapped halloween earrings are so cute that I won't be TOO sad if they don't sell, I'll wear them myself!
And these earrings are just too cute. I'm glad I chose to use the black wire and hooks instead of the standard silver coloring.

And I've listed in Crafting4Causes Letters in a Bottle, for such a low price and good cause, it's worth sending a few out to brighten someone's day! That picture is in the center and is found here:

And lastly, when we hit about 50 followers, I'd love to have a contest/giveaway, so make sure to refer your friends to this blog!!!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

AUGUST 8-Daily picks and updates for C4C :D

I started today by tackling projects I've been putting off and organizing my supplies. The ideas are exploding and taking over the home, so I need to make sure I tackle them via priority and no more purchasing supplies until I finish projects and make sales!!! Anyway, taking a wee little break from making items to update my blog :D

So news for my Crafting4Causes shop (C4C) is that I now have donations from 3 shops (1 being my own :P) and have started organizing them into grab bags. Another half dozen-ish packages are still on their way.'s picks >

On the left is a Blood Choker Necklace. This shop has quite a variety of hand-crafted halloween necklaces that look great. Tempting for a good compliment to any costume. It can be found here:

On the right are my Silver Butterfly Dangle Earrings. I've been frequenting a local bead store that is a little spendier than where I usually shop, but they have some great items that are superb quality. These earrings showcase pewter, silver coated charms that caught my eye and I knew I had to use them. The pictures, as usual, are not superb :(

Friday, August 7, 2009

Picks for August 6th & 7th :D

Goodness gracious, this week has been so busy that I hardly have time to etsy/blog! Here are my recent picks. I'm struggling to keep the pictures lined up as I would like on this silly blog, so we'll see...
On the right we have my Upcycled Fabric Teardrop. It's fun and trendy. That little guy took me so long to hand stitch though!!!!! I swore it would be one of a kind just because it took so long, lol. It's 2 sided with a different pattern on the opposite side, you can check it out here:
Next I have my Blue Shell Pendant. As usual, my pictures just don't do it justice :( I was having problems getting this one in focus. Some simple wire wrapping for a simply delightful piece.

As for items from other shops, I have some Halloween Lampwork Beads that are eerily fun for Halloween! And they're going for a very reasonable price! You can find them here:
And lastly, I'm not really that much into vintage things, but I ran across these cute books. I spent a year and a half in Poland on a mission for my church and I love the language and anything polish! I haven't decided to take the plunge to buy these, but they sure are selling for a great price!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Ketchup-or that's how we say it in the food industry...

Playing a little "ketchup" since my work schedule has made it crazy. I'm listing 2 pieces of jewelry from my shop as my picks for August 4th and 5th.

I have A Dazzling Purple Czech Glass Earrings and Matching Pendant-they are quite possibly my favorite and best work that I've done so far. They are listed here: And then on the more casual/fun side I have a set of Dice Earrings up for sale. They are so cute!

As for other shops, I have Floating Sunset Earrings found here: They are so bright and vibrant! Also, I'm listing 4 gourment dipped strawberries out of felt, they can be found here: I myself am not into purchasing felt food right now but it's all SO ADORABLE!!!! (It's probably a good thing I'm not buying because I'd be broke buying it all-there's so much out there!)

As a side note, I'm posting a picture of a nice beaded chain for glasses that a co-worker asked me to make for her custom. I finally finished it tonight.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Picks for August 3, 2009

On the left is a set of pens that I think I may buy for my brother and/or dad for Christmas, as I've decided this year will be a 100% handmade Christmas-either by myself or other Etsians! They are both outdoorsmen and hunters. We always have plenty of fish and venison in the freezer year round :D They are made by allwelldressedbullet and they have quite a selection of different pens.
This set of pens can be found here:

On the right is the second pair of earrings I made. I kept the first pair and wear them almost daily. They're almost identical. I was worried about the spiral getting caught in hair or something, but I haven't had any problems myself :D They can be found for an affordable rate here:

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Oh gee golly!

I've been out of town and busy the last couple days so I've fallen behind on the daily picks. I'll pick up where I left off most likely on Monday! Have a great weekend all!