Tuesday, February 28, 2012

DIY Wedding: Hand-Carved Stamp Embellishments

Due to way our religious ceremonies go for weddings, the actual wedding is a fairly small group. We still wanted a larger reception however for other friends and family that couldn't make it for the wedding ceremony. We had a general reception invite in all of our envelopes and a wedding ceremony ("sealing") invite in the envelopes of those that we invited the smaller ceremony.

The stamp that I carved is that of the temple we were married in. I'm not good at all with trying to draw buildings so I paid someone $5 on fiverr.com to do a line-drawing for me by looking at some pictures of the structure. Then I traced it with a pencil and transferred the lead onto the rubber stamp material by rubbing the paper against the material. With my linoleum cutter I carefully carved it out. We took some simple cardstock paper and stamped with gold ink. We then printed the text we came up with on our home printer then cut them out and rounded the corner with a corner rounding punch.

It took some time but was well worth the hand-made touch! Stamp carving supplies can be pricy but I always make sure to take a coupon to Hobby Lobby or Michael's. If you are looking into getting into rubber stamp carving, a linoleum carving tool is a must but you could start with cheaper material such as school rubber erasers.

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