Thursday, April 19, 2012

Healthy, Tasty Recipe and Projects in the Pipeline.

Haven't had too much time for blogging lately, I've been so busy lately! Here are a couple projects I finished this week.

The first 2 pictures show some stamp carving I've done for someone in my CustomCreativityGal etsy shop.

The next picture is of a fuzzy dice I made for my sister-in-law's birthday. She just got her driver's license. If you look closely, you might notice that all 6 sides have the #3 on them. It's her lucky number...I figured she could use all the luck she can get being a new driver ;)

Lastly, here is a tasty recipe I tried tonight. I found a recipe online and made it my own. Healthy and simple :) We eat a lot of granola bars for snacks but alas, today we ran out of our little stockpile. We're still holding strong on our spending fast this month so I decided it was time to bake.

2.5 cups instant oats
1 cup canned pumpkin
4 mashed bananas
.5 cup cereal dust (see this post here)
1 Tbsp ground cinnamon
.5 tsp salt
1 tsp vanilla
handful of sliced almonds

Mix pumpkin, bananas, cinnamon, vanilla, and salt.

Add in oats and cereal dust.

Stir in almonds (add raisins, coconut, or chocolate chips if you want to spice things up).

Spread in a lightly greased 9x13 pan.

Bake at 375F for 25 minutes.

Number of Servings: Not Enough

1 comment:

  1. Very creative! love the cereal bar recipe looks like it tastes yummy!

    Hope life is evening out a little so you can reduce your stress!
