Thursday, April 26, 2012

A Special Lady

I've been meaning to write this post for a while now...My dear sweet Grandma died last month and I finally was able to finish a slideshow with audio from an interview I did with her a few years back.  I asked her for advice, we shared some stories and laughs, it was great.  I'm glad I got this project done to share with my family as today would have been another birthday mark for her. 

I'm happy she's in a better place and with Grandpa now.  Some memories I have of her are her laugh, her unbending will to do what was right (we never got away with anything at Grandma's!), and raspberries, my favorite fruit.  On more than 1 occasion my siblings and I, and cousins would spend maybe a week at her place in the summer.  We would wake up and help Grandma pick raspberries and then fill our cereal bowls up-mostly with those raspberries, probably less than half was actual cereal-yum!!!

The biggest thing I will always remember though, is the day she shared her testimony of God's plan.  In church and reading the scriptures, we learn that the last days before Christ appears again will be rough-wars, rumors of wars, earthquakes, storms, etc.  I confided in my Grandma that I was scared (I don't remember how old I was, maybe about 8 years old).  She responded so matter-of-factly that you knew she was confident in her answer: "There's nothing to be afraid of if you're doing what you should do-following the commandments."  I will never forget that.  No matter what chaos ensues around me-politically, financially, socially-I have my Rock and have no need to fear. 

I hope to someday make that kind of impact and have such a legacy.

1 comment:

  1. Jennifer, very sweet remembrances and tender feeling for a wonderful lady. I am sorry I never got to meet her.
