Saturday, April 21, 2012

Savings That Couldn't Be Helped...

My sweetheart and I decided to stop by Albertson's, check out the awesome deal we did:

6 bottles of Frank's hot sauce ($1.50 each) Buy 2, get 1 free. 
.30 off Manufacturer coupons x 4 (Round up week at Albertson's made this $1 off)-Printed from site
.35 off Manufacturer coupons x 2 (Round up week at Albertson's made this $1 off)-Printed from
= 6 FREE

2 Cherry Coke ($1.50 each)
.60 off Manufacturer Coupons x 2 (Round up week at Albertson's made this $1 off)-asked for at the cash register
2 candy bars = (priced at .69 each)  Free  (buy 2 pop, get 2 candy bars free promo)
=.25 each ($1.00 total)

Haribo Gummies ($1.25)
.30 off Manufacturer coupon (Round up week at Albertson's made this $1 off)-Printed from

Hostess Donettes Bag ($1.99)-Printed from
.50 off Manufacturer coupon (Round up week at Albertson's made this $1 off)

Betty Crocker icing bag (.99)-discounted after Easter
$1 off Manufacturer coupon from recent newspaper

$2.42 with tax  (WA state does not tax most food, there was .18 tax on the pop)

This was done in 3 transactions...(not that we needed to...some of it was more impulse or not finding what we wanted...)
1st transaction was 77% savings.
2nd transaction was 100% savings.
3rd transaction was 80% savings. 

$17.79 before coupons/specials, $2.42 after coupons/specials, almost 86% savings overall :)

To add to the fun, and since it was late and customers were scarce, we asked the cashier if she had other coupons hidden up front to share.  We got a couple nice ones to add to the binder.  She also had a whole stack of expired sunchips coupons.  She was going to toss them but we told her how we donate them to overseas military as they can use them for 6 months after expiration and she gave the to us to donate :) 

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