Monday, March 3, 2014

Make It Monday~Personal Progress Boards

At church, we have a program for the Young Women (ages 12-18) called "Personal Progress", in ways, its a counterpart is the scouts that the boys do.  More info can be found HERE about it-I recommend it for ANY young woman!  The core values are: Faith, Divine Nature, Individual Worth, Knowledge, Choice and Accountability, Good Works, Integrity, and Virtue.  They have a variety of challenges and projects they have to do to pass off and complete the program. 

The other leader that I work with has taken the challenge with me to go through the program again (I did when I was a youth).  A lot of the challenges include a time period with goals i.e. "make a goal to improve X about yourself and after 3 weeks write in your journal about your experiences".  I'm the kind of person that needs reminders so I had thought of making signs to put up but then thought about decorating up a white board specifically for the purpose.  I ended up making several and giving them to the girls to use for their Personal Progress. 

I went to the $ Store and found these white boards with attached dry erase markers/erasers.  They're obviously only $1 quality, but it does the job. 

I hot glued a ribbon to hang the boards up (They come with magnets on the back but I figure it's easier to put a pushpin somewhere than to find a magnetic surface).  I took different colors of sharpies and wrote the values around the board with a little embellishment.

And viola :)

You could of course use this to track other goals-maybe a fitness board and use sharpies to draw water and dumbell? 

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