Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Tasty Tuesday~Knife Safety and Cutting Tips (Learned from Culinary School)

I often avoid telling people that I have an Associates in Culinary Arts.  Then they have expectations...and talk about how lucky my husband is... And then I feel guilty :P  I'm possibly the laziest and most bland-cooking culinary graduate ever...but I really loved school, I think for the same reasons I love crafting-I thrived on the creativity and learning new things.

As a church youth leader, we have activities every Wednesday night.  Some are more spiritually-minded, some are educational, some are plain fun.  Our girls wanted to cook something this last week so we did mini pizzas and I figured we could add some education to our fun. I enjoyed teaching them knife safety and how to cut some vegetables for the pizzas!

Here's a lil' video I put together for you-I'm sure there's at least 1 tip that most of you adults haven't even heard!

To watch the video, click HERE: (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzuZMFWWnd0&feature=youtu.be) 

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