Monday, March 12, 2012

Giveaway Winner and Today's Shop

Carla's Inspirations is the winner of the sidewalk chalk giveaway! Please comment with your email or email me at to claim your prize!

Today's shopping was extremely, ridiculously, and overly frustrating. I had my husband go to 1 store while I was still working and then we went to 6 together after work. At all 6 we went to, all the local couponers had picked the shelves dry. All of my plans were ruined and I was not a happy camper :( I'm trying to get over it, but it can really put a damper on things. Ironically, the 1 store that went perfectly was the 1 my husband went to alone. I'm glad for that because it can stress him out trying to figure out the deals I want him to get. I joked that I must have been the sour factor of all the rest of our shopping and he should do all the couponing by himself from now on. The look he gave was priceless and he said (I quote) "I will die a horrible, painful death". Anyway, here's the shop he did successfully:

Target-Less than $16 total (2 transactions)
4 sponges = free
2 Renu trial size = free
6 packs of gum = free
2 Mio drink flavorings=$1.79
1 Revlon lipstick=$1.99
2 shirts=$12

I had him pick out shirts and cosmetics he'd like to see on me within a certain price range including the coupons I gave him. HE DID FANTASTIC!

1 comment:

  1. OOOH! Yeah!


    Carla's Inspirations email is carlasinspirations (@) yahoo (dot) com

    Perfect for a birthday gift in a few weeks for a sweet little girl! I am so excited I won!
