Monday, January 4, 2016

Product Review: Reusable Food Pouches

I was chosen to do a product review on some reusable food pouches.  A little strange since I don’t have kiddos of my own yet.  I really wanted them though because they are nice 1)for when the nieces/nephews come around 2)for baby shower gifts 3)to stock up on for when we become foster parents and 4)to stock up on for when we become biological parents.  (someday…..*sigh*) 5)they’re actually handy to send in my husband’s lunches with salad dressing for his salads 6)yogurt can be more fun out of a pouch than a spoon and cup lol!

I tried these little guys with a 6oz yogurt cup and it just barely fit, so I’d say that’s the capacity.  Make sure not to overfill and triple check the zip seal before you go squeezing!  All-in-all, they’re made well and are cute with different designs (nice so each kiddo has their own design?!).  There’s even a place to write the contents and date filled.  

It will be so nice someday to be able to make my own food, be able to freeze some, refrigerate others and keep those handy, and be able to monitor the ingredients for allergens and quality ingredients.  Not to mention the savings in the pocket book to not buy the pre-filled ones and you can buy in bulk (i.e. yogurt) to fill these up!

All-in-all, I’d give these a 5/5 rating and I’d recommend them!

I received these items free for my honest and unbiased review.  I am not being compensated to write this review.


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