Monday, May 7, 2012

I just got paid to shop....and got lots of stuff for free....Just sayin'!

Today I got an awesome deal!  This was all free AND I made money at Rite Aid!  Very few coupons involved too!  Here goes:

4 Nursery Waters (used (2) .55 off 2 gallons printable coupons from their website)
4 crunchy snacks
11 2-pack baby foods (half of them had .50 off now coupons attached to the packaging)
--------------------------------------All Gerber items were BOGO 1/2 off.  Buy 2, get $3+UP.  4 +UPs per card, I had 2 cards (mine and hubby's). Also, because I spent more than $15 on Gerber products on my card, I will submit for a $5 Single Check Rebate with Rite Aid.

2 Stayfree products (used $1 off manufacturer coupon from this last Sunday's paper)
-------------------------------------On sale 2/$5, buy 2, get a $3+UP.  Submitting a $5 mail in rebate for purchasing 2 Stayfree products.

2 Revlon tweezer tools (used (2) $2 off Rite Aid video value/adperk coupons)
------------------------------------Regularly $3.00, 40% off sale.  Free with coupon.

1 Revlon Nail Polish (Used $1 off Rite Aid special promo coupon...think I got it through FB)
------------------------------------Normally $4.79, 40% off. 

I went in with $10 in +UPs from my camera deal on Saturday.  I paid $6.70 out of pocket cash and I ended up with $12 in +UPs at the end.  Not to mention $10 in rebates....Rite Aid just paid me $5.30 to take this inventory off their hands, and this includes taxes! 

On a less successful note, I then went to Walgreens and made a disaster of my transactions there. Poor planning on my part and I lost out on $3 of savings and held up a million people in line (how embarrassing!)  In the end though, the lady behind me and cashier both wanted my business card to check out this lovely blog :)  I also am so grateful for my awesome husband.  I apologized and felt bad, I don't want him to get frustrated or embarrassed but all he said is that he thought it was funny.  Well, as long as you save a few dozen dollars and can laugh about it, even a bad transaction is nice right? (FYI-Got free dishwasher detergent, witch hazel, contact solution, and anti-itch creme at Walgreens)

For those of you that wonder, I let other people do most of the research work for me.  Feel free to check out the blogs I watch (but please don't desert my blog, I like to share unique things they might not ;) (local gals-they taught the class that hooked me)


  1. Kudos! How much was the graduates do you know? Did you have coupons for those?

  2. I didn't have a coupon for the graduates, only for the water. I don't remember on the graduates, maybe $3 something?
