Monday, March 19, 2012

The ups and downs and food for thought.

Today started out rather frustrating at Rite Aid when I went on my lunch. I wanted to get 3 simple items, use 2 coupons. They wouldn't accept 1 of them because it was an internet coupon that wouldn't scan. I get so frustrated with most stores having an addition to their coupon policy that they won't "force" the printed off coupons. Basically, they don't trust them because of people illegally copying them. I always feel insulted, like they're questioning my integrity or intelligence and I know I've done my research and am abiding by all the rules. What I don't find fair, is that the coupon scanners seem to always hate my coupons no matter if they are from the Sunday paper or the internet, so it's a little unfair that they decide to pick when they will and will not demonstrate good customer service. Anyway, I ended up walking out and taking my money elsewhere.

In the evening, it got a lot better when we went to Walgreen's. We got this haul for $.09. And I don't mean each-I mean all of them. We paid tax only on the carefree (I laughed when I took this picture, it must look like I have PMS).

Later as I was reading my emails, I had time to ponder on today's happenings. My sweet grandmother passed away this last Saturday and we're talking about helping pack her things, etc after the funeral. I thought of how she is in Heaven wih grandpa, happy and careless as to her possessions and the things of the world. How beautiful it is to think about that and put things into perspective. No matter how frustrating it can be for a silly coupon to not work, or how fun it is when you get things for free, in the end, it's what we learn and do, the memories that we take with us.

There's some food for thought. And I'll leave you a with a couple shots of some tasty food I've made recently. French Onion Soup and Galabki (Polish Stuffed Cabbage Rolls). MMmmmmmm. Good night all!

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