Thursday, March 15, 2012

Reclaiming the Apartment! And the DUO strikes again :)

I can finally announce my good news-that I am getting promoted to a trainer at work. It should be exciting, I'm looking forward to a new opportunity!

I had to laugh at work the other day because of what a coworker said. Until the change takes place, I'm still a "Subject Matter Expert". I'm known around work as "the" gal, knowing the ins and outs of procedure, keeping all the rapid changes organized. Someone commented "you must have a really clean house". Sadly, I laughed. Ask my mom, she'll tell you I've never been the most organized of children and pre and post wedding chaos have not let up on our little apartment. But I can happily say: we have taken a stand and are re-claiming our home from the clutter! It really didn't help that I got into couponing...but as of tonight, all items have a place including items we coupon to donate to charity. They no longer belong on the kitchen table :D

As for the DUO striking again-I'm doing another swirl art except this time it's a barter on etsy instead of a sale. A lady that has an alpaca farm is swapping some alpaca yarn with me for a swirl art of their farm. I was doing decent with my preliminary sketch until I met disaster trying to make trees that didn't look like Dr. Suess was helping :( My husband came to the rescue again though, he is such a more amazing artist than myself! If he weren't so shy (and stressed as a perfectionist), I would push him more into trying to sell his skills :) I'll try to remember to upload a picture when it's finished.

Lastly, I forgot to mention the awesomeness my sister in law came across. She's the one that first got me into couponing and swagbucks. She was at the store the other day with her coupon binder when someone approached her and offered her a bunch of paper inserts from the beginning of the year. My sister in law was looking for a service project for a family get-together and had thought of collecting expired coupons to clip and send to overseas military families. This is the perfect opportunity! I hope to have a coupon party soon where we can do this and I can teach friends the basics of what I do.

Oh heck, while I'm rambling, might as well go more into swagbucks. I haven't mentioned it before, but it's something I'm really enjoying. With swagbucks, you just install their tool bar and you can earn points tons of ways. The easiest is just through internet searches. Instead of using my internet favorites to go to my blog, I search and sometimes win points! It takes 450 points to get a $5 gift card. We've only done this for less than 2 months and we've redeemed $15 at and we have enough points to redeem $15 more! It's pretty awesome! If you want to join, go HERE. It's absolutely free! 1 double bonus is you can print coupons from swagbucks (connected to and when you redeem the coupon at the store, you also get swagbucks!!!

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