Thursday, June 21, 2012

Would you like $1,000 in 1 month? Also: Giveaway Extended

A grand...anyone want one?  I get asked a lot: how much money do you usually save with your couponing?  The answer: I have no idea....a lot. 

I decided to keep track for 1 month: May 21st-June 21st. 

The grand total comes up to: $1,387.13!!!  

Now there may be some skeptics, which I understand.  The savings are totalled from shopping trips including food, toiletries, health items, and even gasoline.  We don't even budget to spend that much a month, so how can we save that much a month?  The ticket is stockpiling-buying enough of an item at a killer price so you don't have to buy it later at regular retail price.  We do not need to buy shampoo, conditioner, body wash, or razors for months, even years-because they were all free.  All being said and done, we also give some away and donate a lot to the local food bank.  Even if I didn't buy things I didn't need for donation, even half of what I saved (over $600!) is a pretty penny. 

Makes you wonder-what could I be saving?  When I find more time, I definitely still want to come up with a couponing presentation to help others.  Saving this kind of money is what will put my hubby through school, help when kids come, pay off the student loans, buy a home, and get us vacations. 


On another note, I have a blog giveaway that was supposed to end 6/20/12, or until we get 250 entries.  Sadly, we don't even have 50 entries!  Let's extend this to the end of the month and see where we're at.  I don't want to drag it out, but I also want to get more entries :)  The link to enter with more details is HERE

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