Sunday, January 19, 2014

Spiritual Pick-Up Sunday

I don't know who all is going to read this.  Thank you for taking the time to visit or stumble upon my blog!  I don't know if you are a church-goer, if you are a Christian, or what your beliefs and habits are. 

I am a 29 year old woman with a wide variety of European heritage and a smidge of Native American (3 different tribes).  I have an Applied Associates in Culinary Arts and a Bachelor of Science in University Studies.  I work from home most of the time but also occasionally substitute as a classified sub (secretarial, supervisory, etc) in my local school district.  I'm married to a wonderful man that fits me in every way-he's my puzzle piece!  I am the youngest of 3 children with loving parents and I hope to have some kids of my own.  I'm an animal lover, I'm a creative crafter, and I'm an advisor over 12 and 13 year old girls at church.  I believe in Jesus Christ as my savior, God the Father as my loving Heavenly Father, and the Holy Ghost, the spirit that helps guide us.  I am a Mormon-a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  

I was really touched today at church when we talked in Sunday School about why we share the gospel.  Most people know us for random different things-we don't drink alcohol, we are really big on families, and we send out missionaries as young as 18 years old to go teach about Christ's restored church all around the world.  Maybe you've seen them, maybe you've talked to them before.   If you get the chance to talk to them-do it!  You will not regret it, I promise. 

This was me, being one of those missionaries for 18 months in the country of Poland from 2006-2007.  I loved the opportunity to serve others, to teach about what gives me purpose in life, and I loved the people I met and the language I was able to learn! 

One of the things I loved about the language was understanding the roots of words and being able to dissect them.  One word that I love is "Zadoscuczynienie" (za-dough-sh-ch-oo-ch-in-knee-eh-knee-eh)....that's a mouth full!  Zadoscuczynienie means Atonement.  When I'm talking about the atonement, I mean the sacrifice of Jesus Christ-in 3 main ways: firstly the suffering he went through on our behalf in the Garden of Gethsemane, taking our sins and suffering upon himself, secondly his death on the cross, and thirdly his rising from the grave-resurrected, having overcome death.  Through his atonement we can overcome death, sin, and suffering.  We can be free, we can be happy.  In English, we look at the word 'atonement' and can dissect it into at-one-ment-the atonement puts us at one with the Savior and our Father in Heaven.  In Polish, when you dissect 'zadoscuczynienie' into za-dosc-uczynienie it reads: za-a lot-perhaps more than necessary, dosc-an given amount, uczynienie-a version of act or action.  The act is more than enough.  Simple.  Beautiful.  True!

Sometimes when I find it hard to express myself, I do it best by poetry.  I hope you'll enjoy and be able to feel a little bit about my feeling on the atonement and my Savior.  I make a lot of mistakes.  He makes it possible for me to pick myself up again and move on, have a clean slate, get over problems, and find joy. 

Written May 18, 2003

There are no words
yet created
There is no tune yet defined
For the love and the mercy
of our Savior; King
For my sins
He was crucified.

He has lifted my burdens,
lightened my cares,
On His side
I taste no more fears.

I carried a burden
strapped on by my pride
satan said I couldn't win
But now I know he lied.

My soul is full
my heart enlarged
No mortal words
can tell my thanks
My bosom burns
with holy fire
And once again
I've joined his ranks.

I want to spread the word
shout of his great joy
But there are no words
yet created
There is no tune
yet defined
For the love and the mercy
of our saviour: king
For my sins he was crucified.

These humble words, I know,
are not sufficient
For the praises my Lord deserves
but I try to express it
Can you feel my love now?
I want to say it
and show you
But how?

God lives and loves!

I testify that God is there for us.  His love and sacrifice and plan for us is so beautifully inexpressible!  There's nothing you could do to make him not love you.  There's nothing you've done that can't be forgiven-he's already done his part to take those burdens, you just have to do your part.  The act....truly was more than enough. 

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