Friday, November 6, 2009

Oh my! Is it Friday? Time for a FRIDAY FEATURE!

This week's Friday Feature is TheSupplyHouse. I just finished listing their donation to the Crafting4Causes shop-some beautiful bicone beads found here.

This shop has not only a beautiful selection of beads, but some adorable drawstring bags and matchbook notebooks. It's the perfect location to get those little extras that make purchases so special.

The shop is actually a team effort run by mother and daughter (how fun!) About it they say:
"All of the sewing is done by Laurene (mom) as well as most of the papercraft. Adia is responsible for more of the "business side" of things as well as helping her Mom pick out what kinds of fabrics and papers to use. The beads are mostly destash items from their ever growing collection."

They also have another shop - please stop by and see what they have to offer-I highly recommend them!

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