Wednesday, November 4, 2009


The great news is I just totalled up and donated October's sales from the Crafting4Causes shop to the Shriner's Hospital for Children. We made $26.78! (I rounded it up to $27.00) That's definitely the highest given to a good cause so far! Thank you to all those who have donated as well as those who have purchased from the shop and those who have helped spread the word. This month all proceeds will go to a program called SNAP-it provides energy assistance during the cold winter months for those who are struggling to pay heating bills. For more information their website is on the announcements in my shop.

As for my JollyJennifer shop...things have been slow. No sales in ages and I haven't been listing many things. I've been busy between Halloween and organizing a Secret Santa for 30+ etsy forum users :D But I think (and hope) things will slow down so I can create and list more! And since I finally have the family computer up and running I can take more care of my shop and this blog. More great stuff to come, but I need to jet. Thank you to everyone who reads my blog-it means a lot to me :D

Proof of donation (click on picture for larger view):

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