Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Giveaway Winners and Daily Picks :D

My first giveaway just ended and I'm proud to announce the winners: Grand prize of $10 in my jollyjennifer shop goes to 5erg, and runner up prize of 25% off or a random prize in the mail is gugu. Thanks to all those who entered!

As for picks of the day, I'm proud to show my cute little Coloring Book Booklets for Halloween. It's my first time making Matchbooks as well as making my own custom crayons :D I love this and plan to make some as stocking stuffers for Christmas as well :D You can find them here

And as for my other pick of the day, here is a cute headband by Weezawear. They have lots of cute stuff and reasonably priced! I wish headbands worked in my hair better-I must have a funny shaped head or something. Who knows, I still might try one... the listing is shown for the apple one here.

1 comment:

  1. Love the coloring booklets. They would make perfect stocking stuffers.
