Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Back to some favorites and good news :D

The good news is that 2 items sold in the Crafting4Causes shop so the cute little animals in the Humane Society will get some love! My cousin actually created an etsy account and surprised me by buying them, so sweet of her!

Next are my 2 noteworthy items of the day:

Here we have a cute little Christmas Gnome painting I came across on the etsy forums. When I read that it was about a gnome I thought-oh, just another funny looking little guy, then I saw it and it's just adorable!!! The seller has a variety of paintings, this is just one of the series and can be found here.

And then another item listed just today in the Crafting4Causes shop is this beautiful journal/book. This item was donated by another kind etsy seller, the link to her shop is found in the listing itself, which can be seen here.


  1. actually....i already had an etsy account. I've bought skirts off of etsy--i actually bought one for myself and one for cherylann--i'm sure you've seen it by now--I think she's wearing it at the twin falls open house during the reunion--it's a wrap skirt :D

  2. Oh, that's funny. I didn't know that Jane :P I guess I thought your account was new because my feedback was the first I saw :P
