Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I'm Still Alive!

Wow, I go a couple days without posting and I feel so neglectful! I sent off the money from the proceeds of Crafting4Causes.etsy.com to the Second Harvest Foodbank of the Inland Northwest today (and added in a little extra cash since the shop didn't make much). Another kind etsian is sending some items my way to help in the great effort. Please spread the word!!!

As for my jollyjennifer shop I've gotten behind as well. I have lots of items to be made and lots of items to be listed but life has been running me ragged lately. I was 40 minutes late to my day job today because I slept in :( I'm going to have to be more disciplined and concentrated soon as I anticipate starting yet another part time job on top of my current work load. But I still have great plans for etsy-I'm loving it despite the nearly non-existent sales. I really need to simmer down on all of these unneeded trades I'm currently doing, lol. I'm trading away so much stuff-some of it for Christmas shopping and some just because :P

Anyway-here are my picks of the day>
You will see a Kanzashi Flower Barrette here.

I saw a similar barrette on the front page of etsy and LOVED it. After hitting the forums asking about it-I was told to search for Kanzashi-the type of folding/flower design. There's lots of great stuff, this is just one that I like :D

And from my store-here is a simple pair of earrings that I listed a little while back. I had a long detailed dream last night about missionary work. I served a year and a half long mission for my church in Poland not too long ago and loved giving service and teaching others about Christ. These earrings are simple yet a pretty symbol of Christianity. You can see them here.

And as for possible giveaways and sales-I'm making all sorts of plans for my birthday this month, for this month's sales going to the Humane Society, and for Halloween upcoming. So keep tuned! Also, do you want to participate in SECRET SANTA????? Visit this thread in the forum and sign up!

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