Monday, February 17, 2014

Make-It Monday~Re-Purposing Pants

I've been working on a much larger project than this with sewing but don't want to show it until I'm much farther into the project (or finished) but at my whim of this and that, it might take a while.  I thought I'd give a little peek into it with this part of it :)

I had this pair of camo pants that my parents gave me-and old pair my dad had for hunting.

I pieced it out and used it to make 7 different bags.

Pant Legs: I decided to take advantage of the already nicely hemmed edges and made these 2 bags-1 has a button closure, the other has velcro (mentioned the velcro in this post).

Front Pockets: Again, salvaging what I could from its pattern, I kept the pockets intact and wrapped some fabric around the backs for aesthetics.  Using the velcro again, you can fit anything in the bags that you could the pockets originally.

Back Pockets: I chose to put the pockets back-to-back and make a strap out of some scraps.  It was a perfect size for scriptures (we use the Holy Bible-Old and New Testaments, as well as The Book of Mormon, Pearl of Great Price, and Doctrine and Covenants).  We gifted it this morning to a little boy in my husband's class at church, his family is new to church and he loved getting his own set with a cool bag :)  Plus, he has 2 pockets to carry scripture markers or anything else he wants.
Zipper: My husband calls this the "crotch pouch"....oh goodness...I was just trying to use the zipper and keep it as intact as possible, but now I'll never be able to look beyond the name he has given it :P  It's more of a glorified pencil case...

Scraps: Last, but not least, I made this reversible draw-string bag, combining it with a scrap of blue camo we had. 
I really had fun with this project, I think it's a great way to transform old clothes, I could do it with old jeans too!  Hope it gives you some inspiration and you enjoyed today's Make-It Monday post!

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