Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Tasty Tuesday~Homemade Healthy Granola

I love me some granola-it's just so filling, and seems so healthy.  Of course most granolas are not actually that healthy, when you consider all of the fat and sugar added to make it good.  I searched high and low for some recipes that would be healthier and decided to try one.  Unfortunately I don't remember which site I found this on, but I made some changes anyway to make it my own, which of course you can do too :)

4 cups oats
1/4 cup flaxseed meal
1-2 Tbsp honey
1-2 Tbsp maple syrup
2 Tbsp coconut oil
4 Tbsp water
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/4 tsp salt (optional)
1 cup nuts/seeds of choice
2/3 cup dried fruit of choice

Preheat the oven to 275 F.

Mix the honey, syrup, coconut oil, water, and vanilla together in a small bowl.  To make the coconut oil a  liquid, I popped the bowl in the microwave for a few seconds at a time.  I chose to just use 1 Tbsp each maple syrup and honey to keep the calories down, but might use the full 2 Tbsp each next time.

 In a large bowl mix together the oats, flaxseed meal, and salt.  I had an open package of flax seeds so I just ran them though our coffee grinder turned spice grinder.

Drizzle the wet ingredients over the oats mixture and stir thoroughly.  If you want chunks, you can try adding more water and making clumps by hand. 

Spread mixture on a large baking plan and cook in the oven for 20 minutes, stirring at the 10 minute mark.

After the 20 minutes, stir again and add the nuts/seeds.  The recipe called for almonds but I had these pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds I wanted to use.  Cook with the seeds/nuts for another 15 minutes.

Remove from the oven and stir in the dried fruit while the granola is still warm.

Once completely cooled, store in an airtight container.  I've eaten it with yogurt and in a bowl with good ol' milk :)  Go HERE for my post on how to make homemade yogurt. 

As you can see, this here granola has little fat and sugar added, but still comes to about 218 calories per half cup.

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