Monday, February 3, 2014

Make It Monday~Valentine's Card Kit (Altoid Tin Idea)

Here's a little project I whipped up today.  I figured I'd post this as Valentine's is coming up and I have a friend's wedding coming up.  I like stocking up on "love" items during Valentine's sales and after-holiday clearance for wedding/bridal/bachelorette items.  I've got a cute basket made up for a friend of mine and decided to add some of those items as well as these card cases. offers free business cards on occasion and I like to take advantage of it (just pay shipping).  I had a couple different batches printed up as "coupons" and "love notes". 

I happen to have a corner-rounding punch but you could use scissors and round the corners as well.
Using the usual decoupage I covered up the altoid hints (i.e. nutritional facts)

And voila!  Cute little container for business cards :)

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