Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I won another giveaway?! :D

Just when I'm having an epic-ly bad Monday I got a convo letting me know that I won a giveaway I entered on someone's blog :D That brought a smile to my face! I won a mini wooden card set from Cabin + Cub Design on Etsy. You can see their shop with some of their other adorable stuff here.

I don't have a whole ton more to mention right now. I've been slacking on creating lately, being a couch potato, so forth and so on. I guess if I got more sales I would be motivated to create more, lol. I just sold a couple items to my sister today. I have offered to my mom, sister, and sister-in-law (immediate family only) a one-time offer to make them a jewelry item of their choice at cost in exchange for a few of my business cards in their purses, for when they get compliments ;) If you can showcase your items like that I say go for it, it's more than likely worth it. The first item I got on etsy (actually traded for) I carry in my purse EVERYWHERE with me and show all of my friends. I know it has actually generated at least 1 sale for that person even though I don't have any of her business cards!

Well anyway, don't have too much excitement in the way of pictures so I'll include one of this pretty little ACEO I just listed :D

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