Friday, October 16, 2009

When Dreams Come True....

Silly title I know, but I don't feel like I have too much to say today except....I took a picture of this lovely little find that made my day while I was on a roadtrip this last weekend. Here you see the rye chips ONLY from gardettos!

Come on, you know everyone just picks those out and eats them and then last they eat the rest of the pretzels, etc.

Anyway...I'm only working 1.5 hours a day right now at my job but I honestly feel like I have less time than I did when I was working 8 hours a day! I think in part it's the fan mail (aka unemployment papers) and job searching. I've been working on more swirl art like the one featured in my crafting4causes shop, only smaller aceo sizes. I really need to get around to making more jewelry and stationery-for some hopeful Christmas sales and because I hope to have a home show of some sort some time in the next couple months.

Anyway, speaking of a show, I need to search for and buy some displays for pictures as well. Hope all is going well for you and have a great day!

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